Friday, February 29, 2008

Learning to be Natural

I noticed that one thing that I need help with is learning to be natural. People respond to openness, and people respond to your true personality more then anything else. Its appreciated. Its appreciated as a server, its appreciated as a bar tender, and its appreciated as a sales person. If you're trying to sell something, even if people want it, or need it, want they really need to see that you mean what you say. Even if you don't. They need to believe that you do, and they'll believe it if you can show a genuine side of yourself. Your true personality has to come out when your interacting with people. If they smell your fear, or they can see that your not feeling strongly about your product, then your going to have a hard time. The best thing that I'm going to learn this year is how to be natural. We all know that I have trouble with that. I don't even know if theres anyone that I am really myself with. So learning to show my genuine personality will help me in building all types of relationships. I see my bosses at both of my jobs show natural personality, it comes out with ease, and thats what I need.

This is a video by will.i.amof the black eyed peas. Its a musical rendition of a speech made by Barack Obama. I am becoming more confident in Baracks ability to lead our nation. There are no doubts in my mind at this point. He is the person to do it. He makes me feel comfortable, and excited about the future of our nation. If he was president, when he is elected, I will cry. Its going to be a great day. I am become more against the idea of Hilary, and I do not want McCain, and I just believe that a nation with Barack will be one of much more unity then the one we are currently in. He has the ability to bring good people behind him, put strong players into his cabinet and that will help our nation be strong and help our nation get back on its feet. Its a nice thought. I just hope it works out. I may move to spain anyway. Just for a little while though, and when I get back I hope to see a state of the union with barack obama standing there.

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