Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Week Is Over

Well, here we are, its thursday, or I guess friday early early morning. And my week is over. I am looking forward to work tomorrow, I am excited to be done with exams, and its great. I'm in a pretty good mood right now, but I am feeling a little confused and weary.

As Ive mentioned before this girl I'm having sex with, I just hope shes not looking for more then what we have now, its like chilling and friends and sex, no real obligations. I dont really want a relationship with her, so I just dont want to have to hurt her. I hope I don't. Ill keep ya updated. Regular sex is certainly nice.

I think that I have to big of a head. I think too much of myself. I mean I think that I am like the nicest guy in the world, that I dress so nice, that I look so good, that I have a huge dick, that I'm so smart, and so insightful, the list can probably go on and on. Does everyone think these things of themselves? I mean sure I'm exaggerating it a little bit but that is really almost how it is. Obviously I do see my negatives though, and maybe thats where the balance is. I know my strengths and weaknesses? Or is thinking that in itself too pretentious and arrogant. Who knows. I only ever express this stuff in my blog which no one reads.

I wrote something good on guitar today, a nice chord progression, I like it. I'd love to write lyrics, but why should I? I am too shy to sing in front of people and especially when words that I wrote, my own expressions are involved. Thats way too much. Showing my emotion through my guitar is a lot for me in itself. Talking to that girl right now. You know the one, the one I'm in love with, not the one that I am hooking up with. Too bad they can't be the same person right??? God, how does that happen. I love religion. Love it. I really find it to be the most intruiging thing ever.

I'm going to post up a few pictures I think every blog now, just pictures that I see around that I think are great. Often I find great ones on but its all flash! So I cant get those but here are some other good ones.

Thats good for now, I really like those pictures. Yea I'm deep. Ha Just kidding. Love you, bye!

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