Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tattoo Finale?

I think thats it. I do. I don't think that theres much more that can be done. It looks perfect. My favorite part now is the waves with the sun. Hopefully I can have some color [ I won't get it if it won't show up well on my skin ]. But maybe Red and Orange for the sun, dark blue waves, dark red mountains, and dark green for the vines [ including the treble clef ]. Shades of black for everything else. I'm really obsessed with this tattoo. In every class I try drawing it, and when I come up with an idea that I like I just stare at it continuously. I've been going back and forth between scrolling up and looking at the image and typing. It feels so right. Thats what I'm happy about. It feels so right to have this as my tattoo. I started looking up tattoos on dark skin, and someone brought up getting a keloid [ which is more common on dark skinned people ] but they generally develop on people who are prone to them, and I have never gotten a keloid and I have a good number of scars and piercings already so I doubt I'll have any trouble.

I'm really excited. I hope that I can get it this weekend. I'll have to call my friend and find out if she set an appointment and with which artist she used. There's a tattoo place near by which I've always heard good things about named 'Revolver'. So I'll probably go over there.

I want to plug my other blog again, { The Lucid Dream Experiment } because it is good. And it will become better and better. Dreamwise I was a bit disapointed last night but we'll see how things go tonight.

Unfortunately I have to skip band practice tonight because I have a TON of work to do [ I'm procrastinating at the library right now ]. I just realized how I have an exam tomorrow and I have to much reading to do, then at 5 I have to meet for a group meeting, and I have a difficult HW assignment due tomorrowm, AND I have one or two exams [ I'll have to confirm 1 ] on tuesday which I have to start studying for as well. My minds gonna explode but I NEED to bring in the grades. OK!

I've been looking into Salvia lately. It is a legal way to experience hallucinations. The scary thing is that has a high rate of having 'bad trips'. But it only lasts for about 3-5 minutes, and if I try the lowest dose it shouldn't be such a bad deal. It is natural, used by native americans and all that.


This is from an article on which I think was writen by the NYTimes. Firstly, I thought it was hilarious. But to highlight what i think is awesome the next part mentioned how they we're saying 'Sunni's and Shiite's are brothers!' I think that's so awesome. This is all because a bridge had opened back up. I think its pretty awesome. This makes me feel like we are doing good over there. However, the only reason the bridge was closed, was because of violence about 3 years ago, which we can safetly assume was a direct resulf of the Iraq war. So are we doing more good then we did damage, I'm not sure. Maybe eventually.

The artical also mentioned that Iraqis were very happy to see Barack Obama elected citing that they hope that he can change the policies towards Iraq. I wonder if they are interested in a with drawal from Iraq? The interesting thing however is that the troops will go straight from Iraq into Afganistan. I can forsee Obama having a low approval rating already. No one wants our troops in another country. I dunno...we'll see, gotta keep our hopes high.

I'm so cliche' me. The above statement is from a post about a year ago. My first post in 2008 I believe. I'll still never find that girl. I still feel that statement. How come I have to wait so long to solve my problem? How come I have never solved my problem. I think maybe I'll do a low strength Salvia this weekend. We'll see how that goes.

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