Monday, November 10, 2008

A New Blog

I just started up a new blog { The Lucid Dream Experiment } . I think its going to be good. I'm not sure if I mentioned in my last blog [which was an awesome entry if you didn't get to read it ] how this weekend one of my friend's mentioned how he has had a few occurrences lately of lucid dreams. His mentioning of this peaked my curiosity. As we all know a few things seriously intrigue me religion, drugs, hallucinations, girls, and I just really love dreaming. So lucid dreams are right up my ally. It is really the most vivid of dreams which are controllable, very much how drugs can interact with you're subconscious and how hallucinations can be peaked by you're imagination. Its awesome. So anyway, in that blog I will keep entries of dreams and hopefully I will lead myself into lucid dreams. Which will be awesome. I just have to make sure I keep up with it. I very much enjoy instant gratification and this will not be one of those scenarios.

I am too tired right now to blog here since I already wrote a quite substantial blog over there. So check that blog out and I'll be sure to be back here tomorrow.

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