Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hello. Its Sunday again.

I'm definitely a fan of Sundays in general because they are a good day to just relax and get things done. I'm at the library now of course and I have to get my blogging out of the way so I can focus on studying. It's weird how much I think about blogging now, it's like Facebook where you just go on it all the time, I feel like blogging all the time. It's weird I feel like. But, anyway.

This was another successful weekend. Me and my roommate had a blast Thursday as you know, and then Friday came. Friday was fun, I didn't go to class like an idiot which I think I wrote about already and then I studied for a bit, went to the gym, and then went to hang with my younger sister at home. We went out to get some chinese take out and then came back home to watch 'The Life Aquatic' which is such an awesome movie anyone that wants a new movie to watch definitely pick that up!

After the movie I jetted back home and pretty much right when I got back I grabbed a beer, sucked it down within a few measly minutes and went over to our friends house. This kid is pretty cool, really cool actually I hope that I'll be better friends with him soon, but I was bored. Just drinking and kind of being a loner there because everyone was pretty much paired up with they're BFF and I was just chillin. So I bounced around 1 to go to my other friends house, had a good time and just bounced home around 3.

That was too many sentences for a boring day so I'll keep saturday short. Heres saturday in 3 sentences. Woke up, ate, gym, got ready, went to philly, (view picture up top) went to Paddy's pub with my friends from my ex-Internship. Had a good time there, love seeing those people, came back to NB around 1, went out again to my friends party, picked my other friend up and went to my other friends house. Ended up with my friend back at my house ordered some food and just chilled out.

Phew, that was pretty much just a bunch of fragments seperated by commas but who cares?

Two new revelations:

I love wierd girl singers, ex. Feist, Regina Spektor, and all those wierdos, I think they're awesome. Check um out if you havn't yet. And no, I'm not gay lol( not that I have anything against gay's). So anyway, but I feel like the market is flooded right now. I mean you see these wierd girl singers all over the place now, just watch some MTV or go on type in Feist and see how many similar girls there are. I liked it better when they're were less of them. They're still awesome though. I guess its just like the new big wave.

Here's one example from Ingrid Michealson :

Here's one from Feist(Live - watch her sing its so wierd) -

I love nights out with friends and just kind of chillin, and drinking, and having a good time, not really going out specifically to get laid, I mean it has to be on the back burner of course, but not going out to huge parties looking for girls. I really came to realize this over the weekend because I have a much better time when I'm just trying to chill with my dudes and we meet up with some girls and we all just kind of chill around and drink instead of being packed in a basement. My new goal is to attend as many parties like this as possible.


Ok, so last thing. It's getting too cold out. Anyone agree? I do.


Pheng said...

Don't you just love it when you can also sleep in on Sunday?

Earnest Makes Run said...

Its definitely my favorite, I slept until 12:30pm today haha. Not the best idea, but I just love sleep.

Stratoblogster said...

Know what you mean about the current phase of girl singers. I hear those voices all over TV commercials too now.

Thanks for stopping by Stratoblogster! I've included some Strat shopping tips for you there in a reply comment.


Earnest Makes Run said...

Yeah, they're good but its almost too much now.

And thanks a lot, I'll definitely check um out!