Friday, October 24, 2008

I just like to write//Great night

Its weird that I write these blogs to myself. Secretly I want random people to read them and give me feedback, I think it would be interesting positive or negative.

Last night was awesome. I really expected it to pretty much be just like that too, I wanted like a fun night out just hanging out drinking not like spying out hoes and being in a random person's basement shelling out 5's every time the cops come(not to pay the cops but to pay for the new party lol). We hung out at our house for a bit drank watch some television and then we strolled over in the freezing cold(it was probably like 47 degrees or something(inside joke)) and we came up to a street that was even further out from campus then our own lol. But we had a blast, just chilled out, met some new people, enjoyed the company of a few old friends and both my roommie and I had like our 'night out girlfriend'.

Night out Girlfriend(NoG) - {the girl that you chill with all night, she hangs by you're side and you enjoy each others company, often leads to sex.}

So it was fun having them around. Both girls definitely wanted to hook up with both of us respectively(not an orgy). But by the time we left it was like past 4am and I just didn't feel like playing the NoG-NoB games any more, so I left. Hopefully I'll end up hooking up with her another night, but its good to know what my options are, right? <- this is actually a good girl too, and cute. Interesting. I'm going to post up here my new invention soon, its a mate chart to help you pick if a girl should be you're friend, sexual partner, or girl friend. It will help men all over the world make the decision in a few easy steps. Really its just taylored to my preferences. I have not yet completed it but once I do I'll have it up here, hopefully tonight or tomorrow for sure.

After a few hours of moderate-moderately heavy drinking we all smoked at my friends house. As you know, I am not a big smoker of the weed, but I really enjoyed it last night. I was crackin up all over the place, and my roomie was havin a blast too. I'm very happy overall.

The upslope has continued. I'm actually taking my younger sister out to dinner tonight, she needs that support. I may have mentioned that I was thinking about taking her out to lunch a little while ago, but that never happened so we're doing dinner instead. See how everything's going in her life. I know grades arn't doing that well for one.

Back to girls for a minute. Haha sorry I can't stop with it. Three quick topics

- girl from old job came over to do her laundry and we just chilledout, but its a good sign towards just hanging out with her more which could lead to all types of things.

- girl I had sex with a few weeks back that I've known for a few months(7ish?) sent me a multimedia message that makes me suspect to her level of attachement to me(as in she may be quite attached in a way that I'm not) and this girl is really cool so I'm not trying to fuck her over or anything at all.

- christian girl from home, she has kept in contact with me over the week and made a note to me that she is here again this weekend so chances are we will chill and I'll let you know how that goes.

Funny thing is sometimes I use these girls names on here and sometimes I choose not to. I wonder what the difference is? But if you can't correlate the names to descriptions through my blogs then just leave a comment and I'll make sure to clarify. Ok I'm going to actually get to reading for my management class now. (I got a 90 on another exam so that was a good deal).

Peace babes.

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